Friday, January 27, 2012

Book Review: Redeeming Love, Prologue-Chapter 3

So, I have started reading Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers. It is a now twenty year old novel that has touched the hearts of thousands.

It's the story of a prostitute during the 1850's who is ransomed by a man named Micheal Hosea and is based on the book of Hosea from the bible.
I just finished the startlingly intense prologue and was so wrapped in the story that I quickly flashed through three more chapters ( and only put the book down because I realized I had not eaten any breakfast.)

My impressions of the prologue and chapters 1-3 are that this book tells it like it is. Ms. Rivers writes about vary "adult topics" in a delicate way, but not in a way that sugar coats it. In the prologue we see the very sad story of a little girl who is basically sold into prostitution.

Sarah is just like any other little girl, wanting to be loved by her parents and to be delighted in. But because her parents were having an affair and her father made it clear that he did not want her, Sarah never received those gifts.
Finally after her mother's death, Sarah is sold to a man who would abuse her from the ages of 8-18.
Chapters 1-3, show us how she finally got away from the man but has been working for a madame in California during the gold rush. Given the name Angel, by her abuser, she now has no hope for any other life.
Micheal Hosea, a man of God, believes that Angel is the woman he is destined to marry and wants nothing but to save her from her nightmare of a life.

To say the least: I am hooked.

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